EVA – Your new legal AI assistant


Leading legal AI company ROSS Intelligence has announced the launch of EVA, their second standalone AI release for the legal community. EVA is a free AI tool to analyze briefs, check cites, and find similar cases based on language. The idea is to give practitioners exposure to the benefits of AI without the need to invest in a full commercial system. ROSS believes this will stimulate interest in their commercial offerings.

Andrew Arruda, ROSS Intelligence CEO, says “we’re deploying a completely new way of doing research with AI at its core,” he said. “It would be silly to do research or file a brief without using this product. And, because it is based on machine learning, it gets smarter every day.”

EVA has three main features. Users submit a legal brief to the software and it checks if there are any subsequent negative treatments of cites in the brief. All cites in the brief are automatically highlighted with live links to the cases. EVA also finds other cases containing similar language so related precedents can be quickly identified. Finally, EVA contains a feature that will summarize the content in a brief about a particular issue provided by the user. Ultimately, the idea is to provide lawyers with smarter tools for updating their research. ROSS has provided white papers previously showing the efficiency improvements and financial benefits this is expected to provide, see ROSS Intelligence Legal AI Returns to Toronto.

Give EVA a test run on the ROSS website.

Watch video examples of the new technology on ROSS’ post: Meet ROSS’ new coworker, EVA.

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