Tips from the Helpdesk: How to Access Your Spam Quarantine

IT for Law Firms: How to access spam quarantine

Are you waiting anxiously to receive an important email? You’ve likely checked your junk folder, but have you checked your spam quarantine?

Your firm will have a set schedule to deliver spam quarantine notifications to your inbox – most of our clients receive one notification in the morning and the other in late afternoon. The good news is, you don’t have to wait; you can access and manage your email spam quarantine whenever you like.

What is spam quarantine?

Spam quarantine is a temporary storage location for emails that have been flagged by your email filter as spam. Rather than delete all suspicious emails, the quarantine keeps it in a separate, secure location until you have time to review it, ensuring important emails aren’t inadvertently destroyed or blocked.

Why do we need it?

We’ve all received spam – those obnoxious emails that flood into our email inboxes on a daily or even hourly basis. Most spam is innocuous and commercial in nature: “Try our product!” “Buy our service!”, however some are loaded with malware or are part of fraudulent phishing scams that can spell potential disaster for your firm. Lawyers are appealing targets for hackers, and the amount and the severity of cyber attacks against law firms is rapidly on the rise. clients use a variety of programs to restrict and manage incoming spam. Here are some easy, general tips:

Signing in

To start, you will require a link to your quarantine. This link would have been emailed to you when you first joined the firm (or when you first receiving service from LexCloud). Can’t find it? That’s not a problem, call us and we will quickly get you set up.

After you’ve navigated to your spam quarantine page, sign in with your credentials. If you have trouble logging in, contact the helpdesk.

Managing quarantined emails

You will see a listing of all of the quarantined email messages, with the sender’s name and address, the subject line and the date it was sent.

Review each email to decide whether or not it’s legitimate or of value to you. You can safely preview the contents of the email body here, if you are unsure.

Release – Releasing the email will send it through to your inbox, where you can access it like any other email.

Release and Allow – The email will be released to your inbox, and all future emails from this sender will be allowed through.

Delete – The email will be deleted and will not make it to your inbox. You may receive more emails in future from the sender.

Delete & Block – The email will be deleted and will not make it to your inbox. You will not receive any more emails from the sender.
It is important to note that you can block spam email from a given sender, but these companies often use bots and dynamic IP addresses that send from a new domain every time.
As our spam filters become more and more sophisticated, so too do the manufacturers of spam and malware. This is why it’s so important to ensure your system security is always up-to-date - stays on top of this for you.

Managing your spam quarantine is a good way to save time and trouble, however if ever you have questions or concerns about spam in your email, please contact us!

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